These rules can change or be added to at anytime.
= "intent for combat" rp must be a clear statement that combat is eminent and at least three lines excluding the back up call. Backup calls made before shooting commences will be valid.
=SCPD Specific Rules:
1. Warrants will NOT be served unless a SCPD boss gives permission.
2. If a member of PD starts a fight there will be no warrants issued for that fight, IC consequences can also be sought through the government.
= Anyone not already on-sim once a back up call has been established may not join any fight.
* You may not TP to get closer to a fight. This includes TP pads.
* Anyone in areas such as Combat, the Market, or the Camping area may TP to the city ONLY using the provided TP pads or by jumping into the city (example - Jumping from the camping area to fall into the city). NO other forms of TP are acceptable.
* Double click TPs and direct TP by others are illegal for entering combat.
=If you leave a gang you must wait one week (7days) before you are eligible to join another, this includes the PD.
=Gang fight redo - All mod required redos will be done where the initial roleplay started.
=If you are wounded or still down from a previous fight you cannot interfere in on going combat in any way including but not limited to acting as a human shield or fixing or picking locks.
=Unless you are involved in a one on one, following the one on one rule, and wish it to be a gang fight rp a call for back up which must be done within chat range of those involved in the direct rp. An rp call for backup may be done after downed, unless it was a one on one and it must be done in local within chat range of at least one from the other side. However, backup still only has 5 minutes to show up after the last of the original fighters has gone down.
=When picking or fixing the lock on an hq door always rp it even during combat. The rp must be done BEFORE the lock picking or lock fixing is done. Also, this must be done realistically meaning that you must be within a distance and in a position that you can reach the door within an arms distance. NO ONE can pick a lock on or repair a door without an active meter.
=Ladders, such as the one on the Water Tower, cannot be used unless you are directly under it. Camming from a distance, or standing around the corner from it is not realistic.
=Breaking into an hq to vandalize, steal, set fire to, bomb (bombs requires mod approval) leave an rp'd or actual object (must be low prim/script), etc. there must be rp'd proof including but not limited to a notecard to the gang's boss or underboss of the rp done in local or group chat. If this is not done then it did not happen. A gang cannot rp to actions they do not know about. Fires must be touch and die or another that has been pre-approved by a mod.
=Picking a lock is not enough rp to start combat.
=Drawing guns needs to be rp'd - the only gestures that are allowed outside of events held at synful are ones that rp guns being drawn with ONE line of rp/emote and draws the guns at the same time. No sound clips may be attached to these and the ONE rp/emote line should be realistic.
=You cannot simply appear in the middle of an RP.
=Rescue attempts - For Now Rescues are not allowed within the one hour cap time. Interrupting a Cap is against the rules.
=Bounty Hunters and warrants - If a bounty hunter is serving a warrant only the person whose name appears on the warrant may fight. The bounty hunter also fights alone. It works the same as a 1v1.
=Caps and Godmodding - the captor can actually perform actions on the captive and the captive must react according to them, as long as sim enforced rp limits are followed. However, captors cannot predict the captive's response or actions. Also remember that as a cap you are wounded and should rp accordingly. Meaning, because of the rp rule of "attempting" it must be used by the captor but only as a courtesy. Wounded means that you rp accordingly. Your captor shouldn't have to spend an hour cuffing you or getting you to the location where the cap will take place.
=If you are apart of the losing gang/alliance from a gang fight then you must go back to where everyone else from the fight has gathered after combat has ended. If you are not directly rp'd with after 10 to 15 minutes from the time you reach the gathering spot you must post out and give 5 minutes for the winning gang to stop you if they wish.
= You must contact the gang you owe the cap to within 24 hours to set up a time to serve your cap.
=Avoiding or not participating in caps - This is a forced cap sim. Tping out to avoid a cap or not participating in a cap is against sim rules.
=RP limits - Mods will enforce the limits below, any others should be in your profile if you have any. We would hope nobody would purposely break your limits however if this does happen and they are not covered in the enforceable limits then please IM your captor to discuss the issue. If it can't be worked out then please contact a mod..