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Shop Owner Guidance

=Management will provide the basics for your role play shop. You will have say in the colors used for walls, signs and decals for windows. Anything above and beyond that will need to be provided by you by renting extra prims from the building next to City Hall. If you have extra prims left over from a rental you may use those prims as well. But you may not go over your prim allowance. If that is done management reserves the right to arbitrarily return the overages.

=Shop owners may create NPC accounts with metered avatars and camp them to handle transactions. However, the NPC must be clearly identified as such, played accordingly if the shop owner interacts ICly on that account, and may not RP aggressively. It is the shop owners choice to create and use these avatars. However, an NPC not properly identified to the mods and the community will be treated as a player; i.e., they may not be AFK in an active role play zone, etc. and all Syn City rules apply.

 =RP and Linden based shops may turn in role plays that were done in their shops for brunsens to be added to the shop owner’s bank account. Role plays should be cleaned up, placed in a folder that clearly identifies the shop and then turned into Dina ღ Ormidale (dina.winslet) by Saturday at Midnight each week. This is strictly voluntary.

=Shop Licenses are required in Syn City. Each role play shop owner has the responsibility to obtain the required licenses for each of their shops, which are as follows:

(a) Liquor $5000B
(b) Food/Lodging and Entertainment $2500
(c) Retail/Services $2500
(d) Adult Entertainment $5000
(e) Prostitution –  Cost: 100,000b$ deposit (one time charge) and 25,000$b per license period (quarterly).

Fees are payable to the city government.

=Linden rental shops waive the license fee but are not zoned for prostitution. Linden based shops are also required to role play getting their licenses even though their brunsen fees are waived. This is only required for linden based shops down on the sim. The market shops are not included in this.

Shops: Welcome
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