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T​hank you for your interest in role playing in Syn City. Once you teleport down to the city it is assumed that you have read the rules below. Not knowing is not an excuse.

If you have any questions about the rules below please IM a mod or just don’t do it until you have mod confirmation.

= This is an urban realistic sim, therefore only human avatars are allowed here, however humans who roleplay having a tail as an accessory are accepted.

= Syn City is a very unique sex based roleplay and combat sim, we have no affiliations with any other sims in Second Life, nor do we want to. All Syn City gangs and the Syn City name remain property of the Sim Owner.

= Any breach of the Linden Labs TOS is a breach of sim rules, including harassment, scamming, griefing and use of chat spys. Scammers, griefers and any one caught using a chat spy will be permanently banned.

=The purpose of calling for a mod is to facilitate rp and answer questions for all participants. The mod is a referee, not a judge. Where possible, mod intervention will take place at the “spot of the foul” (or in a conference chat) and result in direction on how the rp may proceed quickly and efficiently. In extreme cases or instances of intentional rule breaking, a clearly established pattern of violations, or harassment (in public chat or in any Syn City group/gang group), disciplinary action may result at the mod’s discretion. Mods will only intervene without a request for a mod in the OOC group if one witnesses a clear rule break.

=No Arguing with or disrespecting moderators.

=A mod’s ruling is final. If you do not agree then you must still follow the ruling. You may then send a notecard to a senior mod with all evidence. The senior mod will let you know via notecard within 7 days what the final ruling is.

=IM abuse can be a serious issue. However, this sim is not equipped to moderate such issues. IMs will not be accepted for any moddings as evidence nor will mods be involved in any IM issues. Linden Labs offers a way for IM abuse to be reported directly to them by clicking Help and then Report Abuse from the menu bar. PLEASE REPORT ABUSE!

= Mod Issued Warnings:

1st Warning = No xp loss action taken.

2nd Warning (in 14 days) = Half Level of xp loss.

3rd Warning (in 28 days) = Full level taken. You will start with 0 xp at one level lower.

Consistent warnings = see rule directly below.. *This will be a management decision.*

=If you are proven to be a consistent problem for the sim you will first have all of your levels stripped. If problems continue you will be banned for a period of no less than 3 months and what levels you have gained back will be stripped. If there are still problems then a permanent ban will be given. No more chances after that.

=All rules are non-negotiable and updated when required with notice given of changes. Any gray areas will be decided by the attending mod or by a senior mod if the ruling is challenged.




= Minimum avatar height of 5’5″ (1.65 meters)

= No use of biting or biting HUDS

= No flying or hyper jumping

= No shouting, playing music in-world, or use of gestures

= Keep attachments to a minimum and comply if asked to remove something including extremely high prim attachments or too much bling.

= Using non-physical items to pass through walls, floors and other objects is forbidden

= Griefers will receive a permanent ban



=   .:: Syn City ::. is the official roleplay group. You must be a member in this group prior to applying for any official secondary groups:

= Do not use Syn City to promote yourself, your products, your groups, your land, or any of your organizations or other Sims This includes group chat.

= Do not create any “Syn City” groups. Only owner approved groups are allowed.



= You may not rez any of the following:

        ○ Buildings or Structures of any sort.

        ○ Permanent Traffic Items

        ○ Speed Checkers/Cameras

        ○ Slots of road/road markings

        ○ Tip Jars

        ○ Security Boxes

        ○ Vendors

        ○ Notice Boards

        ○ Chat logging equipment/spying equipment.

        ○ Posters/Advertisements.

        ○ Items of furniture or animals/pets.

        ○ Fire hydrants.

        ○ High prim vehicle attachments.


   If you feel driving is part of your character, please only do so in an active roleplay and only when needed.


= Please, NEVER leave a vehicle rezzed when not in active roleplay!  AUTO RETURN is on.

= Vehicles not permitted: Any flying vehicles, Tanks, Vehicles Over 32 prims.

General Rules and RP: Welcome



= Be polite and respectful to other people. If you are roleplaying with someone and you feel uncomfortable with the situation, use IM to ask them to stop. At this point they MUST stop. If they do not then call a Moderator. Always respect your partner’s ability to withdraw consent at any time.

However, be aware that this sim is based on Adult themes, like capture, sex, murder, and violence.

 If these themes are not to your liking maybe you should consider finding a more suitable place in SL.

= As in any real urban setting you don’t always get a choice of who you are interacting with. If there is someone you do not wish to rp with please use common sense and avoid situations that would put you in the same rp. But if you find that you do not have a choice then please stay in character and do your best to leave the rp either by an IM to that person or rp your way out. Please note that if this rule is abused by either side by consistently using it as a means to avoid and/or force combat, then there will be a warning issued.

= All out of character text should be kept to an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM.

        If you must speak out of character, put your text inside (( brackets )) [[ of some form ]]

        Best to use IM for all OOC.

        The ENTIRE Sim is an In Character Roleplay Area apart from the Landing Mall and Synful Pleasures Club where OOC may be used.

= OOC ( Out of character) Insults are not tolerated

= No out of character chat, unless by private IM or in designated area.

=Do not interrupt a role play scene unless the rp is in a location where privacy would not be expected, such as a shop/business, gang hq, gang shop, park, etc. Please note that linden based rentals are private to the point that unless aggressive rp is being done from someone inside a rental either in public chat or the RP group, then please contact the renter via IM before initiating any rp.

=If you are not role playing, do not interact with any role play related objects.

=You cannot simply appear in the middle of an RP.

=Large role play scenes must be approved by an Mod.

    This includes scenes which will:

        ○ Cause large fatalities/casualties

        ○ Generate a large amount of fire (over 10 prims – includes both smoke and fire)

        ○ Involve a large number of a certain department.

    Note that these are not the only things – if you think your scene will be too big, contact an admin for clarification.

=You may not do anything which will give you an unfair advantage in role play.

=Switching to a different role in the middle of a role play scene is forbidden.

=Always role play your injuries for the appropriate amount of time.

=We suggest you have Role Play limits listed in your profile.

=All forms of cheating are strictly forbidden:

    ○ Meta Gaming is strictly prohibited.  

            Meta gaming is when you use information you have obtained when out of character in a role play scene.

    ○ Power Gaming is strictly prohibited.

            Power Gaming is when you role play in such a way which doesn’t give enough time for anyone to react. It is also when you role play as a ‘Godly’ figure, and is also known as “God Modding”.



=Gang Headquarters are active rp areas. Anyone can come take a look at the area but be polite and don’t interfere with active RP (roleplay).

=If you leave a gang you must wait one week (7 days. No, we are not counting down to the exact second) before you are eligible to join another, this includes the PD.

=Breaking into an hq to vandalize, steal, set fire to, bomb (bombs requires mod approval) leave an rp’d or actual object (must be low prim/script), etc. there must be rp’d proof including but not limited to a notecard to the gang’s boss or underboss of the rp done in local or group chat. If this is not done then it did not happen. A gang cannot rp to actions they do not know about. Fires must be touch and die or another that has been pre-approved by a mod.



=When you are defeated by combat you belong to the winner or winning gang. You are their prisoner for ONE (1) hour.

=If you are gunned down in battle and are defeated, the person or winning gang who beat you has the option to “cap” you. This means that they can take you captive for up to one hour. During this hour several things can occur such as you being beaten, raped, tortured, and/or publicly humiliated. Everyone who comes here should have an RP Limits tab in their Picks in their profile. Limits should be checked before full engagement in the capture rp. If they have No Rape as a limit, then you cannot rape them. All Limits should be respected, however, the only Limits mods will enforce can be found here, RP Limits Mods Will Enforce.

=Caps and Godmodding – the captor can actually perform actions on the captive and the captive must react according to them, as long as sim enforced rp limits are followed. However, captors cannot predict the captive’s response or actions. Also remember that as a cap you are wounded and should rp accordingly. Meaning, because of the rp rule of “attempting” it must be used by the captor but only as a courtesy. Wounded means that you rp accordingly. Your captor shouldn’t have to spend an hour cuffing you or getting you to the location where the cap will take place.

=Avoiding or not participating in caps – This is a forced cap sim. Tping out to avoid a cap or not participating in a cap is against sim rules.

=RP limits – RP Limits Mods Will Enforce, any others should be in your profile if you have any. We would hope nobody would purposely break your limits however if this does happen and they are not covered in the enforceable limits then please IM your captor to discuss the issue. If it can’t be worked out then please contact a mod.

=If you are apart of the losing gang/alliance from a gang fight then you must go back to where everyone else from the fight has gathered after combat has ended. If you are not directly rp’d with after 10 to 15 minutes from the time you reach the gathering spot you must post out and give 5 minutes for the winning gang to stop you if they wish.

= You must contact the gang you owe the cap to within 24 hours to set up a time to serve your cap.

=Rescue attempts – For Now Rescues are not allowed within the one hour cap time. Interrupting a Cap is against the rules.

General Rules and RP: Welcome

©2017 by Syn City. Proudly created with

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