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= “intent for combat” rp must be a clear statement that combat is eminent and at least three lines excluding the back up call.  Backup calls made before shooting commences will be valid.

=This is an RP sim. RP and an active Syn Meter is to be engaged in before any combat begins. Combat (including Fist Fighter) cannot commence without 3 lines of RP signaling intent to fire by the Aggressor(s) and at least 1 line – or drawn weapons by those involved – by the Respondent(s). However if you are not part of a gang you may surrender and the aggressor will be forced to either capture you or let you go but not engage in combat with you, your meter should be set to noncom for the three hour downtime.

=Be aware if you act in a threatening or attacking manner you will likely be challenged to Syn Meter combat and only non affiliated players may surrender for an autocap.

=Individuals who are neither gang members nor PD employees may refuse intent once it’s offered, and accept an auto-cap (surrender). Someone who surrenders must turn off their meter and behave as though downed for three hours. This does not apply to friendly 1v1 challenges, which may always be refused without penalty or cap.

= Combat between gangs must first be approved by the attacking Gang Boss/Underbosses within 30 minutes to engaging in Combat. This does not apply to 1 on 1 disputes. Boss permission must be done in either gang group chat or public. Only mods may ask for proof of boss permission or a boss may inquire in the bosses group.

= 1 on 1 battles conducted in the streets or in the combat arena are between the primary participants. Both participants must agree that it is a 1 on 1 and show intent to engage in immediate battle as per the rp rule before any combat begins.  Any participation by group members must be consistent with the roleplay. If others are called in to rescue the challenger or person challenged during the challenge and acceptance stage of the roleplay, their participation must commence before the fight begins, not during or afterwards. Since it is a 1 on 1 battle per agreement between the 2 primary participants, no permission from a gang leader is needed. The winner of the 1 on 1 gets the capture.

= After Roleplay has commenced in a gang fight, members may call for reinforcements however anyone entering or re-entering the region after the back up call is not able to join the fight at all. This means if you crash you can’t rejoin the fight either. Back up calls must be done in local first within chat range of an opposite gang member. If there is time then the back up call can be reposted in the rp group. backup may be called after downed, unless it was a one on one. However, backup still only has 5 minutes to show up after the last of the original fighters has gone down.

= Anyone not already on-sim once a back up call has been established may not join any fight.



=Drawing guns needs to be rp’d – the only gestures that are allowed outside of events held at Synful are ones that rp guns being drawn with ONE line of rp/emote and draws the guns at the same time. No sound clips may be attached to these and the ONE rp/emote line should be realistic.

=Picking a lock is not enough rp to start combat.

= Power Gaming/God Modding is strictly prohibited. Power Gaming is when you role play in such a way which doesn’t give enough time for anyone to react. It is alos when you decide the outcome for other person’s actions.

 It is also when you role play as a ‘Godly’ figure, and is also known as “God Modding”.

= Mercenaries may be hired by gangs or individuals. For a gang fight RP must be used to ensure that all parties know the Merc has been hired prior to combat starting. If the winning gang has hired a mercenary that gang has the right to collect their caps including ones downed by their hired killer.

=Gangs can not hire other gangs as Mercs unless they have a formal alliance (granted by permission only). Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters must have the appropriate license issued by the Gun and Driver department or they are not able to be hired. For gang fights No more than TWO (2) Mercs can be hired by each gang. Mercs should only be used if they are needed or could lose their license ICLY.

Mercs are responsible for knowing if they are needed in a fight or not.

= Gangs/Police must wear their Gang/Police title at all times during fights unless they are in disguise.

=RP combat is subjective at best, its ending often controversial. RP combat (non-meter based combat) should lead to direct Syn Meter combat when both participants are in agreement. If not, a resolution between the two must reach an end without resorting to “God-modding or Power Gaming”



= When member(s) of the Syn City Police Department present a valid warrant (signed by a court official), gang members will not interfere with the arrest of the person(s) listed on the warrant. However, this does not mean that the person(s) being arrested cannot resist arrest and engage the Police in legal combat. The PD may not engage in combat against person being arrested if the person rps they will go peacefully and willingly and then does so.

=Warrants will NOT be served unless a SCPD boss gives permission.

=If a member of PD starts a fight there will be no warrants issued for that fight, IC consequences can also be sought through the government.

=Bounty Hunters and warrants – If a bounty hunter is serving a warrant only the person whose name appears on the warrant may fight. The bounty hunter also fights alone. It works the same as a 1v1.

Combat: Welcome



=You may not TP to get closer to a fight.  This includes TP pads.

=Anyone in areas such as Combat, the Market, or the Camping area may TP to the city ONLY using the provided TP pads or by jumping into the city (example – Jumping from the camping area to fall into the city).  NO other forms of TP are acceptable.

=Double click TPs and direct TP by others are illegal for entering combat.

=Ladders, such as the one on the Water Tower, cannot be used unless you are directly under it. Camming from a distance, or standing around the corner from it is not realistic.

=When picking or fixing the lock on an hq door always rp it even during combat. The rp must be done BEFORE the lock picking or lock fixing is done. It is on you to see your rp’d post in local before starting to pick a lock through the drop down menu on the doors. Also, this must be done realistically meaning that you must be within a distance and in a position that you can reach the door within an arms distance. NO ONE can pick a lock on or repair a door without an active meter, meaning your meter cannot be non-com nor can you repair a door without a meter on.

=NON COMBAT= (NO weapons use) SAFE ZONES including roofs




Police Station



Synful Pleausres (During events and when DJs are live on the air)



=If you participate in combat or are wearing weapons you must wear a Syn Meter.(See Syn Meter Rule for further clarification) These are 75L from the market.

=Syn Meter

This must be worn in the default position. Any moving or alteration to the meter may result in a permaban.

=If you are ‘downed/killed’ in combat you can NOT participate in combat for Three ( 3 ) HOURS.

=The Syn Meter must be in combative mode at all times, while on SIM unless on 3 hour down time or if you are camping in a safezone and are not rping or being interactive. If you take your meter off you cannot remeter for 24 hours.

= If you crash during combat then your meter is automatically down for 3 hours from the time you log back on. You will also be subject to an autocap if you crashed during a gang fight and your gang lost.

=If a person levels up during a fight (the meter will reset by itself and a chat message will be displayed) , the fight must be stopped and redone with all affected parties able to reset.

= Any use of enhancements to give you an unfair advantage in combat is forbidden. This includes the use of shields.

=The only weapons allowed in Syn City are as follows:

-Brutal Weapons  available from the Syn City market area

-Nemesis Firearms  available from the Syn City market area (melee must be turned off)

-Velocity Weapons  available from the Syn City market area



=PLEASE NOTE: Syn City is an urban realistic city and the makers of these weapons may also have weapons that are not allowed here such as grenades, bombs, nukes, lasers, SCI Fi or enchanted/magic weapons. If you are unsure if your weapon is allowed please ask a Mod/Admin first

=Weapon ammo should be set on normal damage rounds with all effects turned OFF

=Fairlight Weapons MUST be set to basic bullets not HD bullets as they lag the SIM.

=The only melee combat attack system allowed is Syn Meter Fist Fighter.

=Only one weapon/gun per hand-this must be the same type of gun in each hand eg Fairlight MP5K in both hands, the exception being DSC2 Fist Fighter

=Hand weapons: you can use parry weapons such as knives, bats, swords, whips, etc.

=NO Weapons with auto scan or auto target features


=NO unrealistic weapons for modern day Urban area. (Lasers, photons, SCI Fi or enchanted/magic weapons, grenades, bazookas, nukes etc)

=Griefers and those failing to abide by normal weapons use can/will be banned from all parcels including the surrounding sim and all those affiliated with Syn city.

=The use of Bombs MUST be approved by a moderator prior to each use. You must tell the Moderator what type of bomb you are using and if asked let it be tested. Also a valid roleplay reason is required.

=All runs must be a basic realistic “normal” run. There is to be:

No Flipping

No Rolling 

No use of combat HUDs with sidesteps

No enhanced jumps.

All AOs are able to be set with a basic run, in the case of the oracul AO, you are able to change this in the settings.

=Grappling Guns/Hooks

These may be used once only during combat.



=If you have any questions about these rules please IM a Mod or just don’t do it.

= If a gang fight is declared a redo due to rule breaking, those people that caused the redo may not participate in the redo of the fight.

=Moderators cannot settle disputes of combat they are involved in . (IE: you are in the combat, or you hold interest in the outcome such as being a Boss or member of the gang involved.) Unless no other moderator is available.

=Senior Mods are able to mod anything including their own gang fights. Assistant Mods are not able to mod combat related issues.

=No Arguing with or disrespecting Moderators.

Combat: Welcome
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